Fewer fire-related deaths in Avon last year

Firefighters at the scene of the gas explosion in Runcorn, Cheshire, which left four people badly burned.Firefighters at the scene of the gas explosion in Runcorn, Cheshire, which left four people badly burned.
Firefighters at the scene of the gas explosion in Runcorn, Cheshire, which left four people badly burned.
Fewer lives were lost to fires in Avon in 2021, new figures show, bucking the national trend.

Fewer lives were lost to fires in Avon in 2021, new figures show, bucking the national trend.

The Fire Brigade Union branded a 27% increase in fire fatalities across England as "terrifying" and urged the Government to stem cuts to firefighting services.

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Home Office statistics show three people died as a result of fires attended by the Avon Fire and Rescue Service last year – down from six the year prior but in line with 2019.

Fire fatalities in Avon peaked in 2011, when nine lives were lost.

Nationally, there were 280 fire fatalities in 2021 – the highest number since 2017, when the Grenfell Tower disaster occurred, subsequently claiming 72 lives.

There were 98 deaths between October and December, the most recorded for the period since 2008.

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The Home Office cautioned that numbers can fluctuate between quarters, but added that it will monitor the situation for any ongoing trends.

A spokesperson said annual deaths remained down on historic figures, having fallen by 12% compared to 2011.

The FBU called the rising number of deaths an "utter tragedy" but said that it is not surprising, given Government cuts to firefighting services over the last decade.

Branding Westminster responsible, Matt Wrack, general secretary of the FBU, said: "The Government has cut around 11,000 firefighters since 2010 and response times have lengthened.

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"This should serve as a real wake-up call – as if they needed yet another."

The decrease in deaths in Avon follows a fall in fire callouts, with crews attending some 2,639 last year, down from 2,656 in 2020.

There were 106 fire-related casualties – of those, 40 required hospital treatment.

Nationally, the number of non-fatal casualties fell by 6%, from 6,585 to 6,201, and less than 0.5% of all fires led to at least one fatality.

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The Home Office said it has delivered a successful "Fire Kills" campaign and is working with the National Fire Chiefs Council to keep people safe and bring forward further fire safety reform.

It has provided the NFCC with a £1.1 million grant to deliver fire prevention awareness programmes.

A Home Office spokesperson said: "We are committed to fire prevention awareness to save lives.

"Every life lost to fire is a tragedy and, while they are down 12% when compared with 10 years ago, we know there is more to do."