Wheelchair users in Bristol encouraged to complete survey to help shape future provision

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The Wheelchair Alliance is seeking responses to a short survey to help shape and improve NHS wheelchair provision across the country.

The Wheelchair Alliance, an organisation which champions the voice of wheelchair users across England, hopes that the new research project, carried out by Frontier Economics and Revealing Reality, will uncover the truth about how wheelchair users are currently using Personal Wheelchair Budgets, as well as understanding the personal financial costs of topping these budgets up.

Any wheelchair user is urged to complete the survey, regardless of whether they currently have a Personal Wheelchair Budget.

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“The research we do lays bare the postcode lottery which currently exists in wheelchair provision, something we are determined to see change,” explains Nick Goldup, Chief Operating Officer at Wheelchair Alliance.

A wheelchair user..A wheelchair user..
A wheelchair user..

“This survey provides the perfect opportunity for wheelchair users to have their say regarding the Personal Wheelchair Budget which will help shape future provision.

“It only takes a few minutes to complete and really will help make a difference.”

The survey, which is grant funded by Motability Foundation, closes on Friday, June 14 and can be completed by visiting https://www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/FFGF7M/

It’s completely anonymous and seeks to discover insightful information about a user’s wheelchair and its cost and funding.

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