Gender pay gap sees women in Bath and North East Somerset work months for free

EMBARGOED TO 0001 FRIDAY OCTOBER 14 File photo dated 26/01/18 of a UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with one pound coins, as city bonuses have increased at more than twice the speed of wages since the 2008 financial crash, research suggests.EMBARGOED TO 0001 FRIDAY OCTOBER 14 File photo dated 26/01/18 of a UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with one pound coins, as city bonuses have increased at more than twice the speed of wages since the 2008 financial crash, research suggests.
EMBARGOED TO 0001 FRIDAY OCTOBER 14 File photo dated 26/01/18 of a UK five pound, ten pound, twenty pound and fifty pound notes with one pound coins, as city bonuses have increased at more than twice the speed of wages since the 2008 financial crash, research suggests.
Women living in Bath and North East Somerset will effectively work months for free this year due to the gender pay gap, figures suggest.

Women living in Bath and North East Somerset will effectively work months for free this year due to the gender pay gap, figures suggest.

Women's rights charity the Fawcett Society said progress in reducing the gender pay gap is too slow, and called on the Government to introduce measures to help women into higher-paying work, especially during the cost-of-living crisis.

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Office for National Statistics estimates show full-time female workers in Bath and North East Somerset earned an average of £17.37 per hour excluding overtime as of April, while their male peers earned £24.78 – a gap of 29.9%.

It means that by the end of the year, women will have effectively worked without pay since September 13.

Across the UK, the full-time female workforce is paid an average hourly rate of £18.09 – 11.3% less than the £20.04 hourly wage earned by men.

Hourly figures are used to remove the effect of overtime.

Equal Pay Day will be marked on November 20 – after which women across the country effectively stop earning relative to men – by the Fawcett Society, who said the rising cost of living means raising awareness of the pay gap is vital for women across the country.

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Jemima Olchawski, chief executive of the Fawcett Society, said: "Progress on tackling the gender pay gap is too slow and evidence continues to stack up that women want to see more being done.

"In the context of labour market shortages and the cost-of-living crisis, we really can’t afford not to act.

"We urgently need action from both the Government and employers."

The gender pay gap is the estimated difference between the average hourly wage for men and women across all jobs and is different from the concept of equal pay, which means men and women doing the same job must be paid the same.

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For part-time workers across the country, the gender pay gap was 0.2% last year, while in Bath and North East Somerset, men earned 13.1% more than women in part-time roles.

The Fawcett Society also called on the Government to make flexible working available to all to help more women and mothers into work.

It said employers should also stop asking "discriminatory" wage history questions and publish salary bands on job adverts.

The Government's Equality Hub said the overall trend of the national gender pay gap has decreased over time since 1997.

A spokesperson added that the Government has introduced legislation for the right to flexible working, shared parental leave and pay, and doubling free childcare.